The 6 Worst American Anime Theme Songs and Who Should Salvage Them
November 29, 2012

When Japanese animes get dubbed into English, it’s hit or miss. Nudity is covered up, violence is dumbed down, and (most) bestiality is glossed over. It’s the theme songs, though, that truly suffer. We’ve collected the most awful English dubs and made a list of artists — from Taylor Swift to GWAR — who could come up with epic alternatives.

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Are you on the list of things Morissey hates? Congratulations, you're in good company.

Even the sainted writer that is J.K. Rowling could end up on the list if the Moz finds her latest book not up to snuff.

Perhaps if he kept his firey hatred a secret, the world would be a better place.

In fact, whole galaxies, even newly discovered ones, could benefit from the occasional act of decency.

Or maybe they can just copy Ghana and even make funerals a joyful affair.

If anything, it's a better idea than building an underground park with no natural sunlight.

Then again, the idea could work if you had the right cocktail and novel at hand.

And while we're on that note, why not introduce the pay-what-you-want model to bars as well?

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