A Bibliophile's Guide to Reading in Central Park
March 13, 2013

New York City has a plethora of reading spots, but by far the largest is Central Park. With 843 acres to roam, it may be difficult deciding where to hunker down with a book, so here are some of our favorite spots paired with complementary reading recommendations.

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NYC Subcultures: Talking to New York City Dog Walkers
March 07, 2013

They are an ubiquitous part of NYC culture, plowing through the streets with abandon alongside mommies, nannies, and strollers, and the impossibly cool NYC native teenagers who are dressed better than you will ever be. They walk among us, often with two, three, or seven canine companions. They are the walkers of dogs.

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A Pseudo-Midget’s Guide to New York City Music Venues
January 04, 2013

If you're 5’2” or under, you know what it's like to attend a concert, buzzing with the excitement of seeing your favorite band of the week, only to spend the next three hours staring at someone’s sweat-streaked back. I vowed to help my fellow shortstacks, so here is a guide to some of the city’s music venues and what the vertically challenged can expect from them.

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