By Misha Grunbaum

Last week, tongues wagged as a neo-Nazi group's Twitter account was blocked in Germany and a wave of anti-Semitic tweets roiled France.

The announcement of the blocking, straight from Twitter's General Counsel, was only 135 characters long.

Der Spiegel, unsurprisingly, reports the news clinically; Germany has had strict laws in place banning Nazi and neo-Nazi discourse for quite some time.

France's Le Monde asks its less censorious readership "Quels risques juridiques pour Twitter et ses utilisateurs?" "What legal risks are there for Twitter and its users" ... some of whom have been tweeting anti-Semitic posts with the hashtag #UnBonJuif (A Good Jew)?

And the Atlantic takes a look at the larger question: "what are we to make of American companies who comply with speech-restrictive laws in the countries where they operate?"