tongues" — by pairing classic quotations with urgent images. What recent news items inspired these textual/visual sets? Leave your guesses in the comments, and check back next Wednesday for the answers.

"/> I See a Voice: Furbish — The Airship
By James Rickman

A weekly series that explores a featured theme — this month, it's "tongues" — by pairing classic quotations with urgent images. What recent news items inspired these textual/visual sets? Leave your guesses in the comments, and check back next Wednesday afternoon for the answers.


"What kind of Christmas present would Jesus ask Santa for?" 
—Salman Rushide (from Fury)


“Foxes are all tail, and women all tongue.”
—Jean de la Fontaine


"History does not merely touch on language, but takes place in it."
—Theodor Adorno

Image: Huffington Post

"You have spoken truer than you purpos'd."
—William Shakespeare (from The Tempest)

Image: The Daily Beast

“There's been a concerted effort to steal Christmas.”
—Jerry Falwell

See the connections? Write your guesses below — and feel free to leave your own "tongues" quotes — and check in next Wednesday to find the headlines that inspired these pairings.

Answers to last week's ISAV ("Ghost Sex"):