As one who listened to the Twin Peaks soundtrack in her automobile on a regular basis, I can assure you that Crazy Clown Time is an appropriate name for a David Lynch album. I listened to the Twin Peaks
soundtrack because it made driving that much more frightening and
surreal. It added an air of danger, an air of very real threat to my
well-being. Why would you want to feel safe in a car? Especially safe
from your own mind? That’s for the unadventurous.
Crazy Clown Time is far less dangerous. Why did he make it?
Because why wouldn't he. Also, have you listened to his films? David
Lynch has been responsible for putting out a fair amount of awesome in
the ear department. Just take a minute to listen to "Pink Room" by Badalamenti (Lynch’s composer for most everything). It's actually very similar to the style and tone of Crazy Clown Time.
I am not a music critic, by the way. For an actual legitimate "review," I suggest going here. I
do, however, very much like the sexy drawl, strutting drums, and honky
tonkish guitar thing happening throughout a lot of the album. Some of
the songs are more upbeat, some more slow, but there’s always a little
strut—a little sly smooth sexiness.
But then the vocals. Okay okay, the first track with Karen O is pretty
damn awesome. I support that track one hundred percent. What I don’t
understand—and where I think the true Lynch comes in to poke me, saying,
"Hey, this is a David Lynch album. Not another kind of album but a
David Lynch album. Beduh."—is the distortion on the vocals. Sometimes
it’s like a whisper, other times it’s like a hyperactive computer child?
Then it’s monotone and droney? And the effect, for me, is just goofy as
all hell. On the other hand, if it weren’t for the bizarre vocals, the
tracks would just be kind of okay, enjoyable songs. And I doubt David
Lynch wants to make okay, enjoyable songs.
Also, to be hugely unfair, I’ve become obsessed with the soundtrack to Drive.
And the main song I listen to on repeat, "Nightcall" by Kavinsky
(featuring CSS's Lovefoxxx), has excellent distortion on vocals! So
good. The distortion is perfect and the lyrics are just creepy and
ambiguous enough. Listen.
It’s not fair of me, in the midst of my lovefest with the Drive
soundtrack, to then listen to poor David—alone, without a film to sing
for, without a room to furnish with sound. At least I’m keeping it in
the family: Johnny Jewel, the man responsible for the Drive soundtrack, pays homage to Badalamenti in this interview.
As they say in "Nightcall," "I'm going to show you where it's dark, but have no fear."