Remote Associates Test, designed to test the effects of light booziness on creative thinking. The results were neck-and-neck, but we have a winner.

"/> What if Alcohol Helped You Write? You Found Out! (Winner Announced) — The Airship
By James Rickman

Last week, we posted our very own Remote Associates Test, designed to test the effects of light booziness on creative thinking. The results were neck-and-neck, but we have a winner. Congratulations, MacKenzie F. of Brooklyn, NY, on your near-perfect 9-out-of-10 score! Your copy of our spring title, Louise: Amended, is on its way.

Problem #4 seemed to cause the most trouble: some guessed "ass" and "cane," which at least suggested that people were getting nice and buzzed, per the instructions. But my favorite case of "sudden insight" (the kind of thinking that's supposedly helped by alcohol) came from a young man in Queens who answered #3 "...of Green Gables."

Since the quiz was based on recent Black Balloon blog posts, I'll link the answers to the posts that inspired them. Why have we been talking about ball gags, edible cookbooks and Anne Rice? Click away.

Gag Base Power Ball
Strip Light Engine Search
Anne Brown Paddy Rice
Fetish Behind Candy Bars
Cookbook Undies Manhattan Edible
Mob Pin David Lynch
Christian Poupon Hound Grey
Men Cap Cow Mad
Feed Cooper Skirt Mini

Thanks to all of you who participated. Keep your eyes peeled for moreLouise-related goodness later this month. Meanwhile, I'll be scouring Amazon for one of those ultra-rare copies of Paddy of Green Gables.

Image: The Paris Review