Forever 31: Where To Shop Your Age: Quiksilver Women
March 14, 2013

The Quiksilver woman they have in mind might be living by the beach, working on her insane yoga body and running a spa, but a grown-ass-she-hippie still technically dresses like an adult. They're ideal if you're looking for a collared shirt that's much less formal than suiting but more formal than something in the plaid cowboy family.

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Second-Hand Brands: White Stag
March 12, 2013

If you've ever been to Portland or just seen the opening credits to Portlandia, you're probably familiar with the big neon "Portland Oregon" sign downtown with the deer leaping over an outline of the state. Well, from the time the sign was put up in the late '50s until the the late '90s, that sign was an advertisement for the local sportswear company White Stag, which lost ownership of the sign around the time it started to fall apart.

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