Louise: Interviewed
May 14, 2012

Since it came out earlier this month, Louise Krug's meta-memoir Louise: Amended has generated some glowing reviews—and some heated comments. Clearly, Louise's story of brain trauma, partial paralysis, and redefining beauty has touched a few nerves. Last week, Buzz Poole talked with Louise about the work: the books that kept her inspired, the perils of reading one's own reviews, and what she's working on now.

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What if Alcohol Helped You Write? Find Out with the Black Balloon R.A.T.!
April 10, 2012

Last week, the internet renewed its assault on clear-headedness, self-discipline, and everything else I thought writers were at least supposed to possess. Melville House summed up a study suggesting that getting buzzed can enhance creativity. Here's your chance to test those findings, and maybe even win a prize for your efforts. Pour yourself a glass of "sudden insight" and read on.

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