The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl as methadone for Girls (HBO)

"/> TV Methadone: The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl for Girls — The Airship
By Sarah Bennett

When a beloved show is cancelled, often struggle to fill the void, sometimes for better, but more often, for worse. Here we decide whether what we're given now truly makes up for what we had then. 

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl as methadone for Girls (HBO) 

WHY METHADONE: I know this seems like a stretch, at least if you’re familiar with The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl (and while I know many people are, I’m banking on the fact that enough readers are unfamiliar enough that they can park themselves in front of a computer and watch the entire Youtube series in a couple sittings to get their Girls fix). Admittedly, the connection between the shows isn’t immediately obvious—one is a well-made HBO comedy/drama/art-piece about four very white girls living in New York, the other is a low-budget Youtube comedy series about one black girl and her friends and co-workers, all of whom are black and brown (except her boyfriend, known as white Jay).

On the other hand, both shows have awkward protagonists, and while both are monochromatic, it’s an organic choice; I understand why people would want more diversity on Girls, but the show’s casting, for better or worse, has always been true enough to the situation that it doesn’t take your focus away from the story or action. The same is true for ABG, because the show’s mostly-minority cast seems true, not token, and by staying true to this character and her experience, the humor and story become universal, even if the cast isn’t completely.

WORTHY TREATMENT?: Despite and because of the fact that everybody and their mother has blogged their opinion of Girls, I’m still not sure if the show has a specific, easily-describable fanbase; when both Jezebel and Kareem Abdul Jabbar love your show, that doesn’t make up a label-friendly demographic. I will say that if you like to watch shows that are funny and are extra-stoked when said shows have female protagonists, your interest should be piqued. Stylistically, ABG doesn’t take as many risks as Girls—it relies more on straightforward jokes and structure and lacks a single visible nipple—but it’s so fearless as to be off-hand on topics of race and class, which is something Girls is more afraid to touch than a boner.  

APPROVED AS METHADONE (and as two talented writer/producer/stars who can give us all hope)